
Neighbors 'grateful' for 'exciting' change after Problem Solvers report

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RICHMOND, Va. -- A few weeks after Dorothy Leftridge reached out to the CBS 6 Problem Solvers because she and other residents at the Concord Apartments were leery of leaving their home, there are some "exciting" changes in the Northside neighborhood.

Leftridge, 77, said residents had trouble crossing the busy intersection at Chamberlayne Avenue and School Street. In fact, she said other residents, some with walkers and wheelchairs, have fallen multiple times trying to cross the street. That is because of how quick the traffic light changed and the lack of pedestrian signals.

"I have attempted to go out there and I've had to rush across the street and I've fallen at least four times," Leftridge said.

Dorothy Leftridge
Dorothy Leftridge

With a bank, the post office and a bus stop across the street, she said it is a difficult walk that many of them make multiple times a day.

"Everybody here is at least 55 and older. We cannot get to where we need to go safely because of the traffic going so fast," Leftridge explained.

Just days after CBS 6 Problem Solver Joi Fultz reached out to Richmond City Councilwoman Anne-Francis Lambert, Leftridge said crews were adjusted the traffic light and added pedestrian walk signals.

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Leftridge and Fultz recently crossed the street and found the journey much safer.

“Most of the neighbors, I know they are grateful," Leftridge said. "We're doing a lot of talking about it, conversing. It's exciting to know they can get across the street a lot safer than they did. And I don't have to run to get across the street to catch my bus because of traffic.”

While Leftridge said she feels much safer crossing the street, she urged drivers to slow down and double check the crosswalk before turning.

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