HANOVER COUNTY, Va. -- The Hanover community is grappling with grief following the sudden death of recent Atlee High School graduate Efe Obrimah.
Officials found him lying on the ground near the Atlee High School field press box on Saturday afternoon. The cause of his death is under investigation but officials do not suspect foul play.
Obrimah was a scholar in the classroom and a star on the track with national, state and regional recognition. Despite his accolades, his friends and family will remember his young life far beyond the standout student and athlete he was.

His friends called him an inspiration and a role model in all aspects of his life and a person who everyone loved.
“If you were to try to create the perfect human being in a lab, it’d be Efe. He was smart, athletic, but most importantly kind,” said one friend.
The abrupt loss of his life is leaving the Hanover community struggling to come to terms with his tragic passing. His teammates and friends say they are still in disbelief after learning the news over the weekend.
Friends said that Obrimah was like a brother and was a mentor to so many. They added that he would go all out during track practices and practice extra hours without complaints.
Greg Durgin, a friend of his, shared how Obrimah's work ethic was like no other.
"Never once did he put anyone down. He always recognized the value that was spending time with others, having fun and pushing ourselves to the best of our abilities," one friend said.

While he was only here on Earth for some time, his friends said they feel certain that his legacy and impact will never leave them.
“You can’t forget Efe. There is the how to remember him, but it’s just that you won’t forget him, said Daniel Mudd.
The principal of Atlee High School shared the following message with the school community on Wednesday night:
Dear Raider Nation,
It is with great sadness that we write to you to share the incredibly painful news that one of our 2022 graduates, Efeoghene (Efe) Obrimah, recently and unexpectedly passed away. I understand that this is heartbreaking and shocking news. On behalf of the entire Atlee High School community, we extend our deepest and sincerest condolences to the Obrimah family for their devastating and unimaginable loss.
As many of you know, Efe was the epitome of a Raider. He was an exceptional student-athlete who captured the VHSL State Championship in the Boys 4x200 event in both 2021 and 2022 and excelled in the classroom. He was a friend to all and will always be a part of Raider Nation. For those of you who knew him, we ask that you remember and celebrate how he valued the close friendships that he developed with his teammates on the AHS track team. It was incredibly evident how much he cared for those who believed in him. We also ask that you remember Efe’s love of the Atlee track team, as it clearly brought him joy. For those of you who did not know him, we ask that you respect our grief and sadness, and support us with your kindness, understanding, and patience as we navigate through this extremely difficult time.
As we mourn the loss of Efe, your child may approach you with questions and experience a sense of loss. If your student needs support navigating through this difficult time, our school counselors are ready to provide assistance. To contact the AHS school counseling office, please call (804) 723-2117. If you need further support, please do not hesitate to contact me at (804) 723-2100.
In addition, the following online resources are also available to families to support students who may have questions and/or experiencing a sense of loss at home:
10 Ways to Help a Grieving Child [childrengrieve.org]
Después que Muere un Ser Querido— Cómo Enfrentan el Duelo los Niños Y cómo los padres y otros adultos los pueden apoyar [grievingstudents.org]
Parents, Teenagers, and Loss: How To Help A Grieving Teen [yourteenmag.com]
Comfort Zone Camp [comfortzonecamp.org]
Again, on behalf of everyone at Raider Nation, we want to extend our sincerest sympathies to Efe’s family and friends in this time of great loss and grief. As always, please feel free to contact us with any specific needs that you or your student may have during this very difficult time.