RICHMOND, Va. -- The majority of Central Virginia has entered the next phase of the COVID-19 vaccination roll out this week -- Phase 1b.
People who can be vaccinated in Phase 1b include anyone people over 65 years old and many frontline, essential workers.
Later this week, the Richmond Raceway will play host to three mass COVID-19 vaccination events for first responders and teachers in the Richmond, Henrico and Chickahominy Health Districts.

"For the next few weeks, we will really focus on the top priorities of 1B, which are police, hazmat, and fire, along with schools and daycare," Amy Popovich, Nurse Manager, Richmond & Henrico Health Districts, said.
Popovich added there will also be open ongoing vaccine events to those 65 and older in the coming weeks, but the health district will also partner with doctors' offices with pharmacies to help with vaccinations.
Click here to register for a COVID-19 community testing event.
A partnership with Daily Planet Health Services will get vaccines to homeless shelter staff and residents, she said, and a mobile team will partner with Richmond and Henrico County to ensure correctional facilities receive vaccines as well.
Popovich said health officials should get to the rest of Pashe 1b by the end of the month.
People who qualify for this phase can fill out an online interest form, she said. Thousands of people, she said, already have done so.
"Give us about a week to respond," she said. "We will respond about as quickly as we can to follow up with you to make your appointment."
Representatives from the Chesterfield Health District said people there can contact their call center at 804-318-8207 to be added to the vaccine waitlist.
Hanover County said it's working with the Chickahominy Health District to expand local vaccine clinics.
One health district in our area that doesn't start 1b this week is the Crater Health District which covers, among other places, Petersburg and Dinwiddie County.
A spokesperson said they anticipate starting 1b on February 1.