RICHMOND, Va. — Richmond Police want everyone to be able to ring in the New Year responsibly. That's why they're putting out a warning that they will be cracking down on those who choose to drive under the influence or do celebratory gunfire.
"Celebratory gunfire and impaired driving are two things that are preventable. So we want to avoid preventable tragedies from happening as we start the new year," said Captain Precinct Commander of Richmond's First Precinct Anthony Jackson.
He said celebratory gunfire can be very dangerous, and said he finds people often forget that what goes up must come down. It's also illegal in Virginia.
Richmond Police said celebrating in that way can cost a life, and that celebrating with alcohol while using a gun are a dangerous and unlawful combination.
“Alcohol and guns definitely don’t mix," Jackson said.
People who participate in celebratory gunfire could face a slew of charges — from shooting guns in the air, shooting at someone, being reckless with firearms, being underage, shooting a gun within city limits or being impaired with guns.
Richmond Police will also be out in full force on New Years weekend looking for impaired drivers. They are pairing up with Virginia State Police for their "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaign.
They will have an increase in patrol and more checkpoints starting Friday night.
“At the end of the day it’s not worth it. It’s not worth the danger or risk to you or to anyone else," Jackson said.
They encourage drivers to utilize having a designated driver, use a rideshare app, walk or even stay stay at the location you're at for the night.
RPD also said in the past they've see a large amount of cars getting broken into over New Years. They encourage folks to make sure they lock their doors and hide or take out any belongings.