RICHMOND, Va. -- November is National Adoption Month and CBS 6 has again partnered with JFS Connecting Hearts and Virginia Kids Belong to help find every child in the Virginia foster system a loving family.
Meet 10-year-old McKinleigh who goes by KiKi.
"I think I'm really good at reading and painting," KiKi said. "I like all animals but my number one favorite animal would probably be a dog."
KiKi enjoys trying new things and going to new places.
"I mainly want to be a vet just to help animals because they are like animals that are endangered and people put their pets out on the street," KiKi said.
KiKi knows if she could have one wish just what it would be.
"The first one would be to find a cure, like for someone to find a cure for cancer," she said.
An advocate for KiKi said she will bring a wonderful energy to her forever family.
"KiKi is a very fun, sassy, silly, artistic, loving child. She's a child that brightens up everyone's day. And no one can get enough of her because she is funny."
KiKi would like to stay in close contact with her siblings. In fact, her advocate said when this bright articulate young lady goes to the store she looks for things for them and not herself.
"Very intelligent; she can talk about anything and she's entertaining."
"I Belong Project" videos are a project of Virginia's Kids Belong in cooperation with America's Kids Belong.
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