RICHMOND, Va. -- There are more than 700 children in Virginia's foster care system looking for a permanent and loving home. Among them are many pre-teens and teenagers who need to find that stability and love before they age out of the system.
One of those children is LaToya.
The 12-year-old girl is described by those who know her as friendly, mature, and helpful. She is energetic and loves to draw and make jewelry.
"I can be kind, I can act up at times, and I want them to remember me as the good Latoya," she said.
She loves both playing basketball and going to games.
She also has a strong sense of what having a family means to her.
"They will give you your own room, we eat Chinese food, crabs, and shrimp," she said.
If you would like to find out more about fostering or adopting one of Virginia's foster care children, scan the QR code below or visitJFS Connecting Hearts.
“I Belong Project™ videos are a project of Virginia’s Kids Belong in cooperation with America’s Kids Belong.