RICHMOND, Va. -- There are more than 700 children in Virginia's foster care system looking for a permanent and loving home. Among them are many pre-teens and teenagers who need to find that stability and love before they age out of the system.
One of those children is Daniel.
Daniel, 12, is described as creative and funny.
He loves video games, playing outside, and sports.
"I am good at football and basketball," he said.
Daniel is a good student and loves being an active participant in activities.
If he had one wish, it would probably be to play video games during his free time. He'd also love to have a forever family and brothers and sisters that he can come home to.
For Daniel, the word family means consistency. It means someone who is able to show love to him, no matter the circumstances.
If you would like to find out more about fostering or adopting one of Virginia's foster care children, scan the QR code below or visitJFS Connecting Hearts.
“I Belong Project™ videos are a project of Virginia’s Kids Belong in cooperation with America’s Kids Belong.