CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. -- Jerry Cooper, 74, relies on a heart defibrillator and multiple stents to keep him alive, due to years of cardiac disease.
The Problem Solvers met Cooper earlier this year and are now assisting him with a Medicare appeal for coverage of a 2019 transport to the hospital. Since our story aired, Cooper was forced to call 911 for a second time when he felt symptoms of a potential heart attack, despite his fears that he might get stuck with another expensive bill.
In 2021, Cooper will not have to worry as much about Medicare denying coverage if he needs to call 911.
In the latest edition of CBS 6 Gives, with help from Virginia Credit Union, CBS 6 signed Cooper up for EMS Passport, a program offered by Chesterfield EMS that aims to reduce or eliminate the out-of-pocket costs for patients in need of ambulance transportation. The county first bills any applicable health insurance policies but will cover charges if a patient is denied coverage.
"So, if you ever have to call 911 you won't have to worry about getting a bill. We've already paid for that and taken care of that," said Bree Sison.
Sison also surprised Jerry’s “children” (dogs Diesel and Dillon) with treats for their help in keeping their dad’s heart healthy.
"I want to thank you for all your help you have given me. Thank you very much. I think you went above what you're supposed to do and I thank you," said Jerry.
The enrollment period for the 2021 calendar year EMS Passport Program opens on December 2 and costs $79 for a family, or $49 for an individual.
If you are interested in signing up, call Millie Bishop at (804)768-7524 or click here.
CBS 6 Gives is made possible by Virginia Credit Union. Have an idea about who we should surprise next,
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You can watch previous CBS 6 Gives segments here.