RICHMOND, VA (WTVR) -- The first snow flurries of the season allowed area school districts to prepare for more intense winter weather.
Officials in Richmond Public Schools had televisions turned to local radar and weather radios plugged in, ready in case the storm intensified.
Ultimately officials deemed this weather system not strong enough to cancel school or send students home early.
"This, we believe we will be okay," Felisha Cosby, communications specialist with Richmond Public Schools, told CBS 6 while looking at area radar.
Cosby emphazied any change in school schedules rests with the Superintendent.
Cosby did tell CBS 6 that school systems will be ready for the first intense winter weather storm.
"Our priority is about keeping students safe," Cosby told CBS 6.
Cosby said a team of school officials typically monitor roads and forecasts in order to make the best decision regarding whether or not to cancel class - and it doesn't always come down to what is one the ground, cold air and high winds play factors.
"We know that if there are wind factors 20 or 25 miles an hour that can cause a problem for our [bus] drivers," Cosby said.
Similiar procedures are in place in other school systems that we spoke with Tuesday.
In Henrico, spokesman Andy Jenks said leaders talk to other school systems as well before making any decisions.
"The leadership of this school division will check to see what Chesterfield is doing, what Richmond is doing, or what Hanover County is doing," Jenks said.
Areas counties tell CBS 6 that technology allows for push alerts to be sent to parents as soon as a decision is made so that proper plans can be made.
"We don't want [students] coming home to empty houses," Jenks added.