

What you need to know for Redskins Fan Appreciation Day


RICHMOND, VA (WTVR) -- Are you planning to attend Redskins Fan Appreciation Day on Saturday?

Redskins and city officials expect 25,000 people to descend upon Richmond from across the region for the day. Hail to the Crowds!

Here is what you need to know for a successful visit (scroll to bottom for parking info).

Arrive as early as 9 a.m., when gates open. There is only one practice Saturday, which will start around 1 p.m. Fan activities begin around noon.

Bathrooms may have long lines. As of Friday there are just 15 regular port-O-Johns for fans to use.

Wear old shoes. Recent rain has created muddy conditions where fans usually sit and watch practice.

When training camp started the city had close to 4,000 select spaces reserved for visiting Washington Redskins fans. The city recently cut those spaces to just over 2,300.

City Stadium parking took the most cuts, with over 1,000 spots eliminated. This venue offered shuttle service to and from the training center.

The current parking locations are available for the remainder of training camp from 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM.


  • 840 Hermitage • 120
  • 2200 W. Broad St. • 220
  • The Diamond parking facility • 1,975

A new option is that fans can go online and reserve parking in advance.

In addition to the three parking lots listed above, the City has secured additional parking locations for fans on that day.

Here are the addresses and number of available spaces on Fan Appreciation Day:

  • C.F. Sauer’s employee lots at 901 E. Hermitage • 70
  • VCU lots at 609 N. Bowe Street & 1101 W. Broad Street • 3,500
  • 1500 Lombardy Street (on VUU campus) • 750

Shuttle service will be provided from both the VCU and VUU lots on Fan Appreciation Day.