

Virginia Democrat calls for McDonnell impeachment

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RICHMOND, VA (WTVR) -- Two weeks after being one of the first to call for Governor Bob McDonnell's resignation, Fairfax Democrat and State Senator Chap Petersen is saying the General Assembly should impeach the embattled governor.

"The governor at the end of his term actually has a lot of power," Petersen told CBS 6 political reporter Joe St. George.

"If he is not going to step down if he is just going to cruise along in this position that he doesn't need to be accountable on these items I think the Assembly does need to take into account possible impeachment proceedings," Petersen added.

Petersen said he was surprised not as many Democrats are joining him in calling for impeachment. Any impeachment proceeding would require a special session of the General Assembly.

That is unlikely since special sessions can only be called by the Governor or by a majority of the members.

Most of the General Assembly is Republican and so far remain supportive of the Governor.

So far few Republicans in the General Assembly have commented on Governor Bob McDonnell and his political woes. McDonnell is being investigated by the FBI regarding his relationship with Star Scientific CEO Jonnie Williams.

It has been documented Williams gave over a $100,000 dollars worth of gifts and loans to the McDonnells over the years.

Investigators are searching for possible benefits Williams received from the state as a result of the contributions.McDonnell has denied any wrongdoing occurred.

One Republican willing to go on the record is State Delegate Bob Marshall.

"This can't go on too much longer," Marshall said.

Marshall says House Republicans are looking for answers from the Governor.

"He hasn't explained what he's done and he hasn't said why he's done it," Marshall added.

Stay with CBS 6 as this story develops....