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Virginia This Morning’s Top 6 Picks: Keep Virginia Beautiful shares ways to celebrate Earth Day 🌎

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RICHMOND, Va. -- Each week, our team shares a list of six things. The topic always changes, but the goal remains the same – to inspire you to try something new!

This week, we asked Keep Virginia Beautiful to take over the list! In honor of Earth Day on Thursday, we asked them to suggest six ways to “opt outside” and celebrate Earth Day.

Keep Virginia Beautiful is nearly 70 years old and says litter is 100 percent avoidable and it is a personal responsibility to put trash in its proper place. Keep Virginia Beautiful is at the forefront of the battle against litter and aims to activate groups and individuals across the state with resources of all kinds to MAKE EVERY DAY EARTH DAY!

Check out their list below and use it as a guide to celebrate Earth Day!

1. Grab a Bag, Take a Walk, Pick up Trash – it’s really the most simple, easy thing ANYONE can do to make a difference right now! Maybe even consider starting a Keep Our Neighborhoods Beautiful group on your neighborhood app to get out with friends and neighbors on a regular basis.

2. Take the No Love for Litter Pledge – The No Love for Litter Pledge is your promise to keep your trash to yourself. Litter and love don’t mix, so make the choice to keep Virginia litter-free. Be a lover, not a litterer.

3. Adopt-a-Highway – Make a year-round commitment to the Earth by adopting a highway, park, trail or stream in your neighborhood.

4. Embrace one new green habit in honor of Earth Day – there are plenty of ideas and resources here!

5. Donate to Keep Virginia Beautiful or another environmental organization that’s on the ground doing the work!

6. Check out Keep Virginia Beautiful’s Events Calendar for more fun things happen across the state, some in person and some virtual!

Keep Virginia Beautiful’s Green Grants program funds groups looking to make their communities cleaner and greener with $500 and $1000 awards. The deadline to apply is April 30 and announcements are made in June.

Check back next week when we share another Top 6 Picks list! We'll share ways to make Mother’s Day special! Send us your ideas on our Facebook or Instagram page.