On-AirVirginia This Morning


Seek excellent care from Pet Paradise 


RICHMOND, Va. -- We all know our pets deserve the best care. Today, Fernando Acosta-Rua, President & CEO of Pet Paradise joined us to share more about their care and services. Pet Paradise has a couple locations in our area - one by the airport: 4101 Williamsburg Rd. in Richmond. Their Chesterfield location is located at 1214 Koger Center Blvd. in North Chesterfield.

For more information, give them a call at (804) 806-3640 (Richmond) or at (804) 533-2320 (Chesterfield). You can visit them online at www.petparadise.com, www.facebook.com/PetParadiseResort/, and www.instagram.com/petparadiseresort/?hl=en.