On-AirVirginia This Morning


Miss America judging MEDARVA Virtual Science Fair; entries accepted through May 15

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RICHMOND, Va. - The MEDARVA Science Fair may have gone virtual, but its purpose and message are as important as ever. The MEDARVA team and their stellar judges celebrate science and the importance of experimentation. The team believes you can learn as much through unsuccessful experiments as you do the successful.

Our host, Jessica Noll, talked with Bruce Kupper, president and CEO of MEDARVA Healthcare, Camille Schrier, Miss America 2020 and a student in VCU’s School of Pharmacy, and Linda Costanzo, professor of physiology biophysics with VCU’s School of Medicine.

Mark your calendars for MEDARVA Healthcares’s Virtual Science Fair. Submissions will be accepted through May 15 at 11:59 p.m. Any student grades 6 through 12 are welcome and encouraged to submit. Learn more and enter on their website. You can also give them a call at 804-775-4500 or find them on Facebook.