RICHMOND, Va. - Beachbody Fitness trainer Autumn Calabrese is one of the featured headliners this Saturday at THRIVE: The Women’s Health and Fitness Expo at the Richmond Raceway Complex. Today the Shaynefully Delicious Shayne Rogers is going to make Autumn’s “80 Day Obsession Banana Apple Muffins.” Shayne is one of the special guests that’ll appear on the Virginia This Morning Cooking Stage this Saturday at THRIVE: The Women’s Health and Fitness Expo presented by CBS 6. Join us February 29th from 10 am until 4 pm at The Richmond Raceway Complex. Beachbody Fitness Trainers Autumn Calabrese and Joel Freeman will be there and you can enjoy free samples straight from the Virginia This Morning Cooking Stage and so much more! For information and tickets, visit
Autumn's “80 Day Obsession Banana Apple Muffins” with Shaynefully Delicious

Beachbody Fitness trainer Autumn Calabrese is one of the featured headliners this Saturday at THRIVE: The Women’s Health and Fitness Expo at the Richmond Raceway Complex. Today the Shaynefully Delicious Shayne Rogers is going to make Autumn’s “80 Day Obsession Banana Apple Muffins.”

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