On-AirVirginia This Morning


Assisting children going back to school with food allergies

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RICHMOND, Va. – With back to school on the horizon, you may be focusing on health and safety in new ways. This is especially important for students with life-threatening allergies. Joining us by satellite are Dr. Vivian Hernandez-Trujillo, a pediatric allergist and Director of the Division of Allergy & Immunology at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital and Allie Bahn, Global Outreach and Education Coordinator at the Global Allergy & Asthma Patient Forum. They remind parents and grandparents to check the expiration dates on epinephrine auto-injectors to prepare for the school year. Click to learn more about the Nicklaus Children’s Hospitaland the Global Allergy & Asthma Patient Forum. You can also visit Allie’s blog, Miss Allergic Reactor.