Actor Brad Pitt is holding his first-ever public art exhibition, unveiling a number of his sculptures at an art museum in Finland's third-largest city, Tampere.
The city's lakeside Sara Hilden Art Museum is showing the "largely self-taught" artist's sculptures and said the works were revealed by the actor himself over the weekend.
"Musiikin ja elokuvataiteen saralla tunnetuiksi tulleet supertähdet #NickCave ja #BradPitt tuovat nyt ensimmäistä kertaa näytteille kuvataidettaan – teoksia, jotka ovat syntyneet dialogissa brittiläisen kuvanveistäjän Thomas Houseagon (s. 1972) kanssa. "
— Sara Hildénin taidemuseo (@SaraHildenArt) September 17, 2022
Pitt's works were shown as part of a larger exhibition by Thomas Houseago, a British artist. The exhibition also featured a series by Australian artist and rock star Nick Cave.
Upeita uutisia: #ThomasHouseago ensimmäistä kertaa Pohjoismaissa, #NickCave ja #BradPitt ensimmäistä kertaa esillä kuvataiteilijoina. Ystävysten uskomaton yhteisnäyttely WE aukeaa sunnuntaina @SaraHildenArt. Olemme iloisia ja ylpeitä, että paikka on juuri #Tampere!
— Anna-Kaisa Ikonen (@IkonenAK) September 17, 2022
Pitt, who has drawn the most attention with his name recognition, featured a moulded plaster panel that depicts "a gunfight," along with a series of silicone sculptures shaped like houses that had been shot with different ammunition gauges.
As 58-year-old Pitt introduced the pieces he said, "To me it's about self-reflection. It's about where I have gotten it wrong in my relationships, where have I misstepped."