CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. -- A Chesterfield man was arrested and charged with the daytime sexual assault of a woman in a parking lot.
Cory Irving, 25, was charged with numerous crimes including abduction and kidnapping, aggravated sexual battery, and assaulting a firefighter.

The attack was reported in a parking lot along the 9600 block of Jeff Davis Highway at about 1 p.m. on January 28.
During the attack, a woman was shoved into a car and sexually assaulted.
"It's crazy, especially with everything going on,” Michelle Menzer, who frequents the area, said after hearing about the crime. “I mean, people already don't want to leave the house. Makes me not want to be here."
Nicholas Dickerson, an armed security guard, said he never leaves home without his gun.
"Definitely worries me about what is going on in today's society," Dickerson said. "Neighborhoods don't scare me man, anything can happen anywhere, you know. I mean, look at this place. I never thought it'd happen here."
Another woman, according to police, tried to help the sexual assault victim but stepped back when Irving pulled out a knife.
Crime Insider sources indicated Irving also fought with firefighters who came to the woman's aid and later with police when they made the arrest.
Irving was transferred to Riverside Regional Jail where he is being held without bond.