WAVERLY, Va. — Edward Hill said he felt fortunate to be alive. Hill was with brothers Ronald and Alexander Ellis at their Railroad Avenue home in Waverly on Wednesday, about 30 minutes before a gunman shot and killed both brothers. A woman in the home was injured in the shooting.
"I said well damn, I was just there. If I was there he probably would've shot my ass too!" Hill said.
Sheriff E.L. Giles identified Shelton Hardy as the man wanted for the double murder. Investigators believe Hardy was in a relationship with the murder victims' sister. That relationship turned sour.

"He made the accusation to some individuals prior to the murder that he was going to kill them and the family members," Sheriff Giles said.
In addition to shooting the two men, Hardy injured a woman, according to investigators.
Giles urged the public, especially those in Surry and Sussex counties to be on the lookout but to avoid Hardy.
"If you see this individual, do not confront him, do not talk to him as far as asking any questions. Move on like your daily business but immediately call the authorities. Call 911," Giles said.

Investigators were close to capturing Hardy in Surry Couty on Thursday, but he got away.
"They better be careful because he said he's not going down without a fight," Hill said.
Anyone with information was asked to call the Sussex Sheriff's Office at 434-246-5000 or the crime tip line at 434-597-4400.
This is a developing story, so anyone with more information can email newstips@wtvr.com to send a tip.