RICHMOND, Va. -- CBS 6 reported on the story of Sam Kirton, a man who eventually received a lung transplant after being diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, and given only two to five years to live.
Having a support system while dealing with what Kirton has experienced is important, yet Kirton also spends his time paying it forward by helping others with the disease understand what is to come.
Sam writes a weekly blog for the pulmonary fibrosis news called "Make Every Breath Count." He also runs an Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis support group for Inova Fairfax Medical Campus and the DC metro area called "Coffee with Friends."
Kirton also participates in various fundraisers all in support of bringing more awareness to IPF and the importance of organ donation.
As a surprise - CBS6 and Virginia Credit Union wanted to give to Kirton - someone who gives so much to others every day.
CBS 6 has donated $500 to Kirton and the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation, to say "thank you" for everything that they have done.
"You have no idea how much of a difference $500 will make to research. It doesn't seem like a lot of money to some people and to other people it's a fortune. But to a primary principle investigator doing research about what's causing pulmonary fibrosis, it is a blessing that can't be measured," Kirton said.
If you'd like to walk together toward a cure, you can join Sam, his wife Susan, and the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation on Saturday, Oct. 7 at the National Harbor for the PFF Walk.
You can also visit this site, to register and donate.
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