PETERSBURG, Va. -- The city of Petersburg has suspended all non-essential operations in the wake of COVID-19.
The city is closing all non-essential offices and moving to minimum operations for staff, including closing and restricting public access to City government buildings and operating on an adjusted daily schedule of 9:30am – 3:30pm through March 30.
Additionally, all public events and events at public facilities have been canceled or rescheduled.
Effective March 18, the office of billing and collections will no longer accept cash. Billing and Collections will only accept debit/credit cards and checks. The City is encouraging community members to either use the drop box located at 144 N. Sycamore street, mail in payments, or utilize the online payment portal.
Facilities closed to the public include:
- Petersburg Public Library
- All Petersburg Museums
- Petersburg Freedom Support Center
- All City Parks, Recreation Facilities and Administrative Office
- City Hall and City Hall Annex
- Community Corrections (20 East Tabb Street, 3rd Floor)
- Fire Stations will be closed for Tours and Events
- Code Compliance
- Petersburg Animal Care and Control
- Public Utilities and Street Operations
- Facilities Management & Operations Office
- Union Train Station
Facilities open with reduced operations include:
- Petersburg Bureau of Police (Front window only)
- Fire Stations – (Emergency only)
- Petersburg Area Transit (Greyhound Ticket Office only)
- Fiscal Management Building, Billing & Collections (Effective Wednesday, March 18, in-person payments only accepted through new collection window)
- Department of Social Services – (Front Area Lobby only)
- Dogwood Trace Golf Course (Walk-up window only)
Petersburg Area Transit will continue operating with limited routes and residential recycling and trash collections are on regular pickup schedule week of March 16.