LAWRENCEVILLE, Va. -- Toys, toys, and more toys! Their mission is very clear. To put smiles on the faces of the children they attend school with this Christmas.
An idea hatched by 5th grader Jaidyn Bell and his friend Thomas Moody when they heard Lawrenceville Mayor LaWanda Tatum talking about collecting toys for local families. They knew they had to help.
“Especially for the kids who cannot have a Christmas and for the parents who can’t buy toys to make their kids’ Christmas special, but they can still make their kids’ Christmas special by having family time” Bell explained.
“They decided to assist the mayor. They wanted to support children who are less fortunate. So they put together an organization called Operation Help the Mayor and they are going to collect toys for the toy drive” Mayor Lawanda Tatum said.
It was a personal mission for Jaidyn. The mayor happens to be his grandmother and the toys, he learned, would help children at his own school. Totaro Elementary.
Jaidyn and Thomas got their classmates on board and sent a letter to Tatum’s office.
“When the mayor read the letter, the mayor was all messed up. It thrilled my heart. It says that they have a heart for their community and that’s what I love. Because I’m all about the community. It lets me know that these young people are already on the right road to helping to build our community and to make it better. My initiative is called Together We Thrive, and that’s all of us- all ages” Tatum explained.
They will be collecting toys for children of all ages through Dec. 20th. The students are hoping the public will pitch in, so the toy donations will pile up- and they can help as many children as possible this holiday.

“Doing this will encourage other people to donate. When we are doing this, it is important. Because if kids don’t have this, some will feel left out if they ever see kids with toys. So, doing this is very helpful” Moody said.
If you would like to donate toys or gift cards, you can drop them off at the Mayor’s office in Lawrenceville, as well as the SPC4LIFE building on Main Street and inside of The Story Cafe located at 121 N. Hicks Street.
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