RICHMOND, Va. -- Nearly three weeks ago, a call went out to the community to help install thousands of American flags on the grounds of the Virginia War Memorial on Belvidere Street in Richmond. Now organizers are in need of help once again to take the display down. The display's run began June 23 and will end Friday, July 14.
Thanks to more than 150 volunteers, 12,000 flags were installed as a part of the annual "Hill of Heroes" display honoring Virginia men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice to our country; each flag representing a Virginian who died in battle.
"The sight of thousands of flags covering the Memorial grounds is truly awe-inspiring and inspirational and will remind all of us of tremendous sacrifices of our Virginia heroes who gave their all to protect our precious freedoms," Virginia War Memorial Director Dr. Clay Mountcastle told CBS 6 last month.
Following the installation, the nonprofit Virginia War Memorial Foundation and corporate sponsors hosted a free community celebration for children and adults featuring military vehicles, crafts and educational activities, live music, and food.
Removal is set to begin on Friday at 8 a.m.
If you'd like to take part, simply show up at the war memorial.
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