Eat It, Virginia


Eat It, Virginia has 3 Richmond restaurants wishes for 2023 (ok, maybe a few more than three)

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RICHMOND, Va. -- It feels like the last three years have been so slow yet still speeding. While the major news cycle continues to be demoralizing, there’s a steady heartbeat of support and lift in our local retail/restaurant businesses; those very same businesses who’ve received blow after blow as things keep changing. 

In line with the steadfast hope this hardworking industry has been giving us, we are taking a page from their book and making wishes in lieu of sweeping predictions for 2023 in our Richmond dining scene. 

Robey Martin:

I wish for...

everyone to experience “The Big Brunch” sensation,Daniel Harthausen.

His pop-ups are notoriously sold out in advance and those that aren’t reservation-only have lines indicative of his talent.

In 2023, I cross my fingers for a Harthausen brick-and-mortar. I first experienced Harthausen’s food six(ish) years ago when he was in the kitchen for a pop-up at the now-defunct Balliceaux. His joy of food is infectious and warming. 

I wish for...

a Laine Myers and Manny Baden collaboration (perhaps at the soon-to-be-opened Penny’s in Jackson Ward).

While it may seem like a wild wish, both Myers and Baiden are extraordinary at their craft.

Baiden is a master with vegetables, constructing dishes bursting with layers of flavor and panache. A recent tomato gazpacho of his comes to mind as a favorite dish ever for me.

Myers is a wizard with fresh pasta and pasta sauces made with local and fresh ingredients. If you aren’t checking her creations out at a local food market, you can stop by Boketto in The Fan and grab some.

The two separately are amazing; together their calm and easy food knowledge would be a treat. 

I wish for...

everyone to trickle out more and try new places, new food or a drink you haven’t tried before.

It’s cold BUT a silver lining is A LOT of places have heaters now!

Examples of some new dishes to try (though you may have already) should you need them:

  • Rarebit from Shagbark
  • Cachete Sopas from El Chido Mexican

  • Shawarma from Scott’s Shawarma

  • Bone Marrow from Grisette
  • $2 pupusa from Shelly’s Comida Latina

I yearn for...

everyone to tour their local farms and ask more questions about where their food comes from.

Have you been to Autumn Olive Farms and seen their pigs? Volunteered at Shalom Farms to learn about their mission and to whom the vegetables of their labors go? We have a good group of farmers' markets with myriad local purveyors ready and willing to answer any question. 

These are a little controversial but here it is:

I wish for...

more transparency on the Richmond City food tax.

I wish for...

bigger tips, health care, and a solid working wage for food industry workers.

I wish for...

better sushi and a moratorium on coated French fries.

And finally, I wish for nice. Just niceness everywhere. 

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