RICHMOND, Va. — The non-profit, PATCH Virginia, stands for Parity in Action Through Community Helpers.
The organization was started by Lynette Seay who saw the great need to assist families during the pandemic.
“We started at the beginning of the pandemic because there were local moms who were reaching out to me on Facebook who all of a sudden had a need for food for their families and didn’t know how to apply for food stamps. Things like that,” Seay said.
Seay and her volunteers rent storage space in Henrico’s Short Pump where families can pick out items they need to get back on their feet.

Lately, PATCH Virginia has helped a woman who recently lost her home. Robin “Miss D” Corbin has been staying in a motel on the Southside for several months.
She also has several ailments that she regularly sees a doctor for treatment.
“She was getting funding from Catholic Charities but she exhausted it,” Seay explained. “Now, the community has been coming together to try and get her some funding.”

Seay helped connect Miss D with CBS 6’s Brendan King for a special Month of Giving presentation.
“When Lynette told us about your story, I just knew that we would love to help you,” King told Miss D.
With tears in her eyes, she opened a Christmas card to find a gift card to help her through the holidays.
“It’s going to help out a whole lot,” she responded.

“I can tell how much you’re a sweet person, caring and hard-working and you’re not letting this get you down,” King reassured Miss D.
Now through December 14, PATCH Virginia is collecting new, unwrapped toys for children and families who may have missed the application period for other toy giveaways.

The CBS 6 Month of Giving made possible by Virginia Credit Union is underway. Watch for a new surprise every day in December on CBS 6 News. Have an idea about who we should surprise next, click here to email our team.