RICHMOND, Va. -- Leila and Pete Gunning do a lot for children in the foster care community. They've fostered a total of eight children and have adopted three.
They also started a non-profit called Patty's Hope, which works with birth mothers to help get their lives back on track after their children have been taken into Virginia's foster care system.
Leila says their work was inspired by simple questions about birth mothers: "What's her story? How did she get here?" Leila asked. "And if the goal is for this child to go home, what is happening to help her heal, to help her change the trajectory so the same thing doesn't happen again?"
CBS 6 featured the Gunnings during National Adoption Month in November.
That's why Bill Fitzgerald decided to surprise them with a donation from CBS 6 to Patty's Hope and a gift card so they could pick up some of the million items every family needs before Christmas.
If you'd like to support the Gunnings' efforts, click here.
The CBS 6 Month of Giving made possible by Virginia Credit Union is underway. Watch for a new surprise every day in December on CBS 6 News. Have an idea about who we should surprise next, click here to email our team.