Remember the E. coli outbreak in romaine lettuce last month? Turns out, it’s not over.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Thursday it has confirmed 138 cases of E. coli in 25 states, with the most recent one occurring on December 1.
That means consumers should continue avoiding romaine lettuce from Salinas, California — where investigations have found a common grower.
If the location of the romaine lettuce isn’t listed, the CDC still warns consumers to avoid it, even if they’re at a restaurant.
Romaine lettuce from places outside of Salinas, however, are OK to consume, the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration say.
Of the 138 total cases, 72 have resulted in hospitalizations, with 13 people developing kidney failure, the CDC reported. No deaths have been reported.
This outbreak is caused by the same strain in the outbreaks linked to leafy greens in 2017 and to romaine lettuce in 2018, the CDC said.