Friday’s episode of “The Young and The Restless,” which was preempted by a CBS News Special Report on the second House impeachment hearing, will air early Saturday morning on CBS 6.
Friday’s entire episode will air at 3:07 a.m. on WTVR CBS 6, so set your DVR. (You can also watch the episode online.)
Here’s a brief recap of that episode: Nick’s campaign takes a hit, Adam opens up to Sharon, and Devon receives a distress call from Jill.
Additionally, Friday’s “The Bold and the Beautiful” episode was preempted by all stations and will air Monday.
You can catch a recap of both of the popular shows on Cheryl Miller’s Soap Dish segment Fridays on CBS 6 News @ 4 p.m.
THIS WEEK’S QUESTION: Do you think Thomas is alive? Click here to weigh in on our post on the WTVR CBS 6 Facebook page.