

Driver cited for using case of beer as 2-year-old’s booster seat


NORTH PERTH, Ontario – Officers cited a driver after spotting a 2-year-old child sitting on a case of beer that doubled as a makeshift booster seat Tuesday, according to the Ontario Provincial Police.

Officers pulled the driver over in Kitcher, Ontario after a someone called the police to make an unspecified “traffic complaint.”

The 22-year-old driver, who isn’t being identified to protect the child, was charged with failing to ensure a toddler is properly secured, according to CTV News.

Police said the beer was still factory sealed in the case.

A legal car seat from Family & Children’s Services was reportedly brought to the scene of the stop.

Police posted a picture of the DIY car seat to remind drivers that children under 40 pounds require a child seat, and children under 8 years of age, under 80 pounds or shorter than 4 feet 9 inches must have a booster seat.