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Rescued pot-bellied pig named Molly is killed, eaten by new owners


DUNCAN, British Columbia – A pot-bellied rescue pig adopted from a Canadian shelter was later killed and eaten by its new owners, CHEK News reports.

Molly the pig was one of 57 pigs that came into the British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals last summer. The pig was adopted on Jan. 19.

The BC SPCA was informed on Feb. 16 that Molly was killed and eaten by her new owners.

The people who adopted Molly committed in writing to not using the animal for food, but the BC SPCA says they have no legal recourse to file charges despite the owners breaking that commitment, officials say.

“Unfortunately, once someone becomes the legal owner of an animal, we have no legal recourse if they do not honor their commitment, but it was definitely discussed and agreed to during the adoption process,” Lorie Chortyk, BC SPCA general manager of community relations, told CHEK.

Constables from the BC SPCA confirmed that Molly was killed humanely. Since there is no evidence of the animal suffering, no charges can be pursued.

“It takes a special type of person to adopt an animal from a rescue organization simply to take them home to kill them, and eat them,” British Columbia’s RASTA Sanctuary posted on Facebook.

Molly’s owner took to Facebook to explain his actions, according to Global News.

On Facebook, the person posted:

“I promise that I did not adopt Molly with the intention of killing her, it was only when she became aggressive with my partners dog and had tried breaking through our glass door that I made the decision to have her put down. I understand and invite people to have their own opinions on the matter, but please understand that I am still human. I realize that what I did was wrong, and I cannot fix it, I can only continue to apologize.”