PETERSBURG, Va. -- Petersburg treasurer-elect Ken Pritchett may be out of a job soon after he takes office in 2018.
Just 14 days after Pritchett was elected to the position, Petersburg City Council voted to "ask the state to transfer remaining functions of the treasurer's office to the city collector."
A move which will effectively eliminate the Petersburg treasurer's office.
"I think they don't have any respect for basically anybody, especially the 5,583 voters who voted for me," Pritchett said. "[They] basically kicked them in the teeth."
Petersburg Mayor Sam Parham said the change is necessary after Petersburg City Council voted to move much of the treasurer's responsibilities to the city collector.
"It's well documented the issues we've had in the Treasurer's Office," Parham said. "This is just the last phase of us asking the General Assembly to give us the rest of the duties, so we won't have to use extra funds."
The city said keeping the treasurer's office open would cost an extra $130,000.
Some voters have concerns with the changes and their timing.
"I have very grave concerns about any elected official having their job essentially erased by other elected officials," Petersburg voter Van Hardenbergh said.
The request to make the changes is part of City Council's legislative package that will go to both Sen. Rosalyn Dance and Del. Lashrecse Aird.
If they sponsor the request, it would then have to be voted on by the Virginia General Assembly.
If passed, the change would take effect in July.