

Two kind souls come forward to help woman facing summons


RICHMOND, Va. –The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority concluded their investigation into a recent rent fiasco, in which two tenants claimed they both paid, but only payment was received.

Nicole Brown-Little pays her rent through an RRHA payment center, a convenience store on Mechanicsville Turnpike that only accepts cash rent payments.

In March the mom of three said she paid her rent and got a receipt for her $588 payment, but she said she didn’t examine it closely enough.

Weeks later she learned the RRHA never credited her account and sent a delinquent notice. Then she received a court summons.

She said someone else’s ID number issued by RRHA was noted on her store receipt. The agency told CBS 6 Problem Solvers that Brown-Little and another tenant both produced similar receipts. One is labeled a duplicate.

Receipt of paying rent

In the end, the agency said the tenant whose ID number was on the receipt was the one who made the payment and Brown-Little still needed to pay for March, even though the said he remembers taking her payment that day.

No one could explain how the other woman`s ID number ended up on Brown-Little`s receipt. The tenant had a good prior history of payment.

Two people were moved by her story and reached out to assist. One person even asked to deliver some of the funds to help her cover fees and rent.

“By the grace of God he helped,” she said. “And I also had my employer at Croaker Spot help me out of the situation.”

The rent paid, and she said she plan to move to a “better place.”

RRHA officials emphasized that tenants have a few payment option if they don`t feel comfortable paying cash at the designated convenience stores. They can mail their rent to a lockbox in Baltimore, and it has to be on time. Or, if they have a bank, they can set up an automatic draft