

Walking Dead fan tricks little sister of zombie apocalypse after wisdom teeth surgery


LEESBURG, Va. — Their little sister is too afraid to watch the hit zombie television show The Walking Dead, so brothers Barrett and Cabot Phillips did what any good big brothers would do, they made little sister Millicent live through a zombie apocalypse.

Barrett, 25, and Cabot, 22, told their 18-year-old sister Millicent they planned to ask her funny questions as she came down off painkillers following her recent wisdom teeth surgery. But what they did, went beyond the typical question and answer session.

“The typical wisdom teeth videos are funny but we wanted to do something a little different, and thought the zombie aspect might be a fun twist,” Cabot Phillips told USAToday. “We just didn’t anticipate how expressive she would be, and how many one-liners she’d produce — even when terrified and in a drug-induced state.”

While driving home from the dentist, an alert came over the radio warning people about an emergency virus that was making people sick — turning them into cannibals.

The Liberty University graduate and his older brother, a middle school teacher,  then badgered their little sister with questions like:

Who should we save the cat or the dog?

“The cat you idiot! He’s [the dog] the worst. He’s already dying. Leave him, get the cat!”

How good is your Spanish — from high school (because they were going to drive to Mexico?

“I can say pants…”

The brother said their little sister was relieved when they finally told her the whole thing was a set-up. Actually, they said, she was just ready to go to sleep at the end of the ordeal.

Barrett Phillips said he and his brother were prepared to help the writers of The Walking Dead come up with ideas for the next season.

“If the writers want to give us a call — we’ll give them some pointers,” he said.

He said little sister Millicent hoped her new-found viral fame would possibly result in her meeting her idol — Taylor Swift.