

Nevada politician wishes you a Merry Christmas — with guns


It’s no secret that Las Vegas Assemblywoman Michele Fiore is an ardent supporter of the right to bear arms.

A lifetime member of the National Rifle Association, the Front Sight Firearms Training Institute and a member of Second Amendment Sisters (according to her bio), the Republican state representative has made responsible gun ownership and Second Amendment rights one of her defining issues, and the theme of her 2016 calendar.

It’s also the subject of a family photo that’s drawing cheers and jeers for making firearms a family affair.

At first glance, it’s like any other holiday card: multiple generations of a family in matching red shirts and jeans standing in front of a tree. Because it’s Fiore, her version features her adult daughters, their husbands and one of her grandchildren holding what appear to be firearms.

“It’s up to Americans to protect America. We’re just your ordinary American family,” Fiore said in a Facebook picture posted December 1 signed, “With love & liberty, Michele.”

As of Saturday afternoon, the picture has been shared more than 3,100 times from her Facebook page and earned more than 2,000 likes.

Comments on the photo showed mixed reactions. Some applauded her for taking a stand; others criticized her for putting an apparent gun in a child’s hands.

Fiore did not respond to CNN’s request for comment.