

Jeb Bush clip edited out of ‘The Late Show with Stephen Colbert’ debut

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WASHINGTON — Jeb Bush and Stephen Colbert did a bit of debate prep during the taping of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” on Tuesday, with Colbert portraying Bush’s biggest foe: Donald Trump.

The clip was edited out of the final cut of the show’s premiere that aired Tuesday night, but Bush said Wednesday morning on Fox News that he got a taste of what to expect next week during the second GOP presidential debate next week sponsored by CNN.

“He put on yellow cotton candy on his head, he ate his own hair,” Bush said of Colbert. “Asked if i wanted some — I took a little piece of the Donald’s hair.”

“The Late Show” did post another debate prep clip online, in which Colbert plays the role of a debate moderator asking Bush for his position on Iran and the nuclear deal.

“I think President Obama is being naive to trust the Ayatollahs and this deal will ultimately create an even more unstable Middle East,” Bush says.

But that won’t cut it, Colbert advises, suggesting viewers at home will get bored by that response.

Instead, Colbert suggests a more Trump-like answer, which Bush proceeds to read out.

“I will build a wall between the United States and Iran and make Mexico pay for it,” Bush proclaims, poking fun at Trump’s plan to build a massive wall between the U.S. and Mexico that Trump insists he will force Mexico to bankroll.

“Trucks are strong,” Bush continues. “I will turn the national mall into a luxury golf course and China will respect that. I promise to put Meat Loaf on the $10 bill and get Lil’ Jon a cabinet position that would send the message that this great nation will never turn down for what.”

Bush didn’t just get a taste of Trump’s star power, but also got to meet George Clooney, who also appeared on Colbert’s premiere.

“He’s a good looking guy,” Bush said.