PETERSBURG, Va. --Ruth Taylor is known on Wilcox Street for sitting on her front porch every morning, drinking her coffee while sitting on her cushioned chair.
Last Tuesday she "saw smoke coming from the back" of a house across the street.
She had company with her on the porch.
"She told me, don't call the fire department," said Taylor.
Sitting with her was Mya Marie Boyd, who was staying in the house across the street that was burning.
Boyd lived there with her boyfriend, who was renovating the home so the owner could get insurance and rent it out, according to Taylor.
Interim Deputy Fire Marshal Marlow Jones was called to investigate and quickly suspected arson.
"This is the second time this house has caught fire," he said.
This time though, investigators find a gas can out back and a pour pattern throughout the house.
On Wednesday Jones obtained a felony charge of arson against Boyd, who has ties to both Petersburg and Richmond.
If you have any information about Mya Marie Boyd, call Crime Stoppers at 861-1212.