Only Joe Morrissey.
No one else would have the brass, the ego, the mania, the mad genius, perhaps, to hand over a posed photo of him and his illicit, underage lover and her love child in Gone With The Wind attire just months after getting out of jail for sullying her.
It’s a photo that seems to give a middle finger to all those who sent him to jail for contributing to the delinquency of this former minor and to everyone else who thinks he’s a pathetic, preying manfreak.
Frankly, my dear, Joe doesn’t give a damn.
Plantation overtones? Fightin’ Joe cares not a whit.
It’s also a photo, perhaps, that his many supporters will see as evidence that he’ll soon do the right thing and marry the girl nearly 40 years his junior and she’ll join him on the state senate campaign trail, the picture of domestic bliss.
It’s the kind of photo that most politicians would avoid like the plague. But Morrissey handed it over to CBS-6 political reporter Joe St. George Thursday right out of the blue.
St. George had interviewed Morrissey about the Michael McAlister, the man who spent 29 years in prison for a kidnapping and rape he didn’t commit and was finally pardoned by the governor this week. Morrissey prosecuted McAlister, and later supported his bid for exoneration.
“So we were there to interview him (Morrissey),” St. George told me. “Got in the car and I’m about to leave. Joe Morrissey comes out and says hold up . . . ‘I want you to have this.’
“The first thing I thought, does this mean you’re the father?” St. George recalled. “He said, ‘This doesn’t mean anything, just do what you will with it.”
Wild, huh?
By the way, check out Joe’s grip on the bone-handled cane. Those who have been physically attacked by him may recognize that fierceness.
We’ve all seen the antics and images of Morrissey’s pathology over the past quarter century, since he slugged it out with famous defense attorney David Baugh.
He’s the human equivalent of bamboo. You can cut it down, burn it, dig it up, spray every kind of poison on it and it still just springs right back up, smiling at you.
Like Morrissey, lots of people like bamboo. They think it’s strong and attractive and useful.
Morrissey’s supporters will look at this photo and say aww.
The rest will look at it and say ewww.
Are we just giving Joe the attention and publicity he craves?
Of course we are.
The pathology of Joe Morrissey is the political equivalent of a fire or a plane crash. He knows we’ll be there.
Only Joe Morrissey would be willing to expose himself – and this girl and baby – like this.