On-AirVirginia This Morning


Run with the troops at the 4th Annual Virginia War Memorial 5K


RICHMOND, Va - Suzanne Feigley, Virginia War Memorial 5K Director, and Mike Dunham, Commander of VFW Post 6364, stopped by Virginia This Morning with a preview of the 4th Annual VA War Memorial 5K Run/Walk to Remember. Thousands of runners and walkers, including military veterans and active members, will be lacing up their running shoes for the event. This is the only 5K where civilians have the opportunity to run with the troops. Event packet pick up is Friday, April 17th from 10am to 7pm and the event is Saturday, April 18th at 8am at the Virginia War Memorial, located at 621 South Belvidere Street. For more information visit www.vawarmemorial.org.