

How to stay warm AND save money on heating costs


RICHMOND, Va. (WTVR) -- Staying warm comes at a price whether you're using electricity, gas or heating oil.

To get the most for your dollars, simple tips can save you money.

The first one, change the filter, whether to your furnace or to your heat pump. A clean filter means  your unit will run more efficiently and that saves you money.

Keeping your thermostat at a lower temperature helps as well as having your heating system checked out.

Fuel oil customers will be seeing a break on what it's costing them to fill up their tanks, some could be paying almost a dollar less than last  year since the price of a barrel of crude oil continues to fall.

Delta Oil Company in Petersburg says their phones have rung constantly the last couple of days, with customers requesting their tanks to be topped off.

Dominion Virginia Power says they have expected their system and expect no problems providing the anticipated demand for electricity over the next 48 hours.

If you do use space heaters, remember to always keep three feet of space between the heater and any object, such as furniture and drapes.