

No seriously, the dog DID eat my homework

and last updated

Magnolia, TX – It may be an age-old excuse, or joke, but for this owner and her dog “the dog ate my homework” almost cost them both.

A Texas high school student told her teacher the dog ate her homework, but unlike most kids who may have used that excuse, she had the X-rays to prove it.

The diorama she made ended up in the stomach of her hungry pit bull mix, Roscoe, and it was nearly his last meal.

He was rushed to the veterinarian, who had to use a scope to pull the pieces out.

"They removed it all and they sent me a picture of it,” said high school student Reagan Hardin.

"Half of a horse body, a sheep, a chicken head,” said veterinarian Dr. Carl Southern. “I kept seeing a little pink horse body go by, but it ended up being a pig with a curly tail."

The plastic pieces and chicken wire used in the project could have punctured his stomach.

Hardin says her teacher initially thought she was joking.

She was allowed to make a second version of her diorama after the teacher saw the X-rays.

Roscoe has recovered, and the while the owner said he is back to his old self; hopefully he can lay off the homework.