On-AirVirginia This Morning


Junior Assembly Cotillion celebrates 70 years!


RICHMOND, Va - Liz Williams and Katherine Byer, the Co-Founders of Junior Assembly Cotillion, are excited to celebrate JAC’s 70th Year. Junior Assembly Cotillion offers a fun, social, and safe community where sixth through ninth graders can learn how to handle themselves in social situations. Members learn the basics of firm handshakes, eye contact, social poise, and self-confidence, not to mention classic dances. Students Gracie, James, Caroline, and Spencer performed a special dance routine just for us. All dances are held at The Woman’s Club/Bolling-Haxall House, located at 211 E. Franklin Street, or Fox Hall Club House, located at 13550 Causeway Drive in Short Pump. For more information you can visit online at www.juniorassemblycotillion.com.