WAYNESBORO, Va. — Please stop painting turtles. That is the message The Wildlife Center of Virginia has for people who might find a turtle wandering through their yard. The center posted that message online this week after a Lynchburg woman found an adult Eastern Box Turtle covered in pink latex paint.
“Other than the paint, the turtle was in good condition and had no injuries,” The Wildlife Center said. “Staff [members] began short scrubbing sessions each day to remove the latex paint; within a week, the team had most of the paint removed. The turtle should be able to be released in the spring. Turtles must be released back into their small home range for the best chance of survival.”
The Wildlife Center said it had experience dealing with painted turtles.
“In 2013, a very bright and colorfully painted turtle was admitted from the Natural Chimneys Campground,” the center said.
To hammer home its point, the center created Wilson’s “Turtle Promise.” It urged people to leave turtles alone and not to keep a wild turtle as a pet.
Click here to read more “turtle tips” from the Wildlife Center of Virginia.