

Colonial Heights motorcycle club prepares Thanksgiving feast for veterans


COLONIAL HEIGHTS, Va. -- This is a Thanksgiving Day meal that many depend upon, and it has now become a six-year tradition.

While most families will be preparing the holiday dinners inside, the smoke wafts up from a massive grill as the rain falls.

Tucked inside the grill, more than a dozen turkeys, slow roasting for dinner on Thursday.

The food is being prepared in Colonial Heights, to be served to more than 400 patients at McGuire VA Medical Center on Thanksgiving Day.

The Doctortown Guards Motorcycle Club is behind the feast.

"We just want to let them know, how much we appreciate the sacrifice that they've made, for us to be able to live in a free society,"  says Rev. Brian Browder, who trades in his helmet each year for a chefs hat.

There are 25 turkeys, 15 hams and all the fixings being cooked up by the group, which focuses on helping veterans and children in need.

The President of the club, Joe Brough says he may not be a veteran but can understand what those injured are going through.

"When I was first injured, first eight months I couldn't move my arms or anything, I had to be fed".

Brough was in a car accident in 1997.

"I'm a quadriplegic myself, from a spinal cord injury," and a firm believer in helping injured veterans.

"As long as they're there and they allow us to come in and provide them a home cooked Thanksgiving dinner, we will do it," he says.