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This is Richmond, Virginia – The Valentine Museum!

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“This is Richmond, Virginia,” a new exhibit at the newly renovated Valentine Museum, the museum’s core exhibition and a multi-million dollar renovation.  Experience the 1812 John Wickham House, Valentine Studio, and the new Museum Store.  And while you’re at the Valentine sample a sandwich from Sally Bell’s Kitchen, eat lunch in the garden or take a bus tour.

The Valentine preserves, conserves and interprets Richmond, Virginia history and diverse community issues by focusing on urban and social history, costumes, decorative arts and architecture. For more details about the new exhibition and others at the museum visit or call 804-649-0711.

Some dates to add to your calendar, November 7th & 8th, Museum Stores of Richmond Holiday Shoppers’ Fair at the  Library of Virginia and December 14th, the 28th annual Court End Christmas.