KENNER, La. — Two Louisiana high school teachers face charges of having sexual relations with a teenage student.
At a press conference Wednesday, authorities say Shelley Dufresne, 32, and Rachel Respess, 24, had a threesome with a 16-year-old male student.
The alleged incident happened at Respess’ home after a football game.
Police said the student was a junior and said they are looking into the possibility that he videotaped or took pictures of the encounter.
Shelley S. Dufresne and Rachel Respess are both accused of having sex with a Destrehan High School student. (PHOTO: WGNO)
According to police, Respess taught the victim last year, Dufresne was his current English teacher. They are said to have been friends.
Dufresne is married with three children, WGNO reports.
Both teachers now face felony charges of carnal knowledge of a juvenile, contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile and indecent behavior with a juvenile.
Respess turned herself into police on Wednesday, and Dufresne was booked Tuesday.