

Cemetery worker claims ‘buried alive’ woman screamed, pounded on coffin


THESSALONIKI, Greece. — A cemetery worker claims he heard a woman’s desperate  screams after the cancer patient was “buried” alive in Greece, according to a news report.

According to Metro, a 49-year-old woman suffering from cancer was pronounced dead and then buried on the very same day. But then a cemetery worker reported to authorities that he heard muffled shouts and banging coming from the plot where the woman had been laid to rest.

As a result, workers dug up the grave, but it was too late.

According to Metro, a doctor, who examined the woman’s body at the scene, refuted the idea saying that she had been dead for hours and could not have been buried alive.

“We did several tests including one for heart failure on the body,” doctor Chrissi Matsikoudi told Greek TV network MEGA.

Although the woman was pronounced dead by a doctor before she was buried, a coroner will conduct another examination, according to the report.

The woman’s family is reportedly considering filing suit against the doctors who pronounced her dead.