A Brazilian woman searching for her mother also discovered that she has a brother, and that she had actually married him, and conceived a child with him.
The couple received the shocking news during a radio show that connects long lost relatives, called “The Time is Now.”
Adriana, 39, met her brother Leandro, 37, seven years ago and now have a six-year-old daughter, according to the Daily Mail report.
Adriana and Leandro were both given up as babies, and have both spent their lives looking for their birth mother, named Maria.
Adriana, who was on the radio show expecting to meet her mother, learned that her mother gave up a baby with the same first name as her husband.
From a translation of the Radio Globo interview:
“Mother, you had other children besides me?” He said.
“Yes, had the ‘Leandro’, but it was with another man was not his father,” Maria said.
Upon hearing the story of her mother, Adriana got desperate and started to cry compulsively.
“I do not believe you’re telling me this. Leandro is my husband,” she said.
Adriana also told Radio Globo, “Only death is going to separate us. All this happened because God wanted it to happen. Of course it would have been different if we had known all this before, but we didn’t and we fell in love.”
She said she had suspected something after seeing one of her husband’s two birth certificates; her mother and his mother had the same name, Maria. She chalked it up to simply being a coincidence, and thought that a reunion would put that nagging feeling to rest.
The couple said they don’t harbor resentment to their mother for abandoning them.
Read more: DailyMail.co.uk