RICHMOND, Va. -- Yup. State Delegate Joe Morrissey (D-Henrico) dropped theF-bomb on live TV the other day – probably a first for a Virginia politician.
He told me Wednesday he’s sorry, that he didn’t know it was live TV. He said he was just reading a supposedly hacked electronic message, trying to show how he was set up in this multiple felony case he’s facing.
He wants you to know that it wasn’t his former 17-year-old receptionist who sent that blatant confession of illegal sex, but – he claims – her jilted lesbian lover who stalked her, hacked into her personal communications devices like some kind of CSI covert specialist, joining a vast they’re-out-to-get-me conspiracy that includes the investigators, the special prosecutor, maybe even Tweety Bird. (Just kidding about the last.)
This story is so Teflon Joe - so far-fetched it might even be true. His defense appears to an have expert electronic forensics investigator that will testify that hacking indeed occurred and exactly how.
And what’s certainly true is the 17-year-old with whom he allegedly had felony sex and photography swears it didn’t happen at all.
If the electronic evidence won’t stick to Teflon Joe, well, the case might be another crazy chapter in this guy’s infamous life.
A year ago I predicted it would be tough to pin this sordid tale on Teflon Joe.
We’ll see how it all plays out in the next year or so.
He’s not up for election until next November, so you’ll likely be seeing the man who is probably the most-arrested politician in the General Assembly helping to make laws this upcoming session.