

Multiple pythons wrap themselves around tourist


CEBU CITY, Philippines - Snake massage is the latest attraction at the Cebu City Zoo in Barangay Kalunasan, Cebu City, Philippines.

The zoo's Burmese pythons - Michelle, Walter, EJ and Daniel- give visitors a 15-minute massage by slithering on their bodies.

After paying the entrance fee, zoo visitors will get a chance to try the snake massage.

Guests are made to lie down on a bamboo bed near the zoo's main entrance.


Five to six zoo personnel then bring out Michelle, a 13-feet python, from a nearby bamboo cage, which she occupies, and place her on top of the guests.

Next to be carried out of his cage is Walter, then EJ and finally Daniel.


Zoo keepers watch over the guests to make sure the snakes do no harm.


Tourists were also briefed on the do's and don'ts when during the snake massage.