DINWIDDIE COUNTY, Va. (WTVR) — Two women have been arrested for allegedly robbing a Dinwiddie bank Friday morning.
The Dinwiddie County Sheriff’s Office says Tina K. Brown, 39, and Veneta R. Weeks, 54, walked into the Bank of Southside Virginia in the 26000 block of Cox Road in north Dinwiddie, VA was robbed just before 10 a.m.

Tina K. Brown and Veneta R. Weeks
That’s when deputies said one of the women handed a teller a note demanding money before running off with an undisclosed amount of cash.
No weapon was displayed.
Investigators found the pair around noon at the Flagship Inn on Crater Road in the Petersburg and they were taken into custody without incident.
Brown, of the 1300 block of Tidewater Road in Keysville, and Weeks, of the 900 block of West Washington Street in Petersburg, were both charged with one count of robbery.
Both are being held without bond at Meherrin River Regional Jain pending arraignment in Dinwiddie County General District Court on Monday.